Remote Control – Jurassic Park gate

Since my nephew who is 7 is a dinosaur enthusiast and toy collector.. I’ve always wanted to make for him the jurassic park original gate to add onto his dinosaur toy collection. And the gate has to be size accurate to the Jurassic World mattel toyline.. The unpainted dinosaur is from Jurassic World Thrash ‘N Devour Tyrannosaurus Rex Figure.

Well toy tyrannosaurus rex is another project request from him cause he didn’t want just any color t-rex.. he wants a custom colored one..

But anyway, i thought just an ordinary gate was not suffice.. it needs something that will make it standout in with his dinosaur toy collections. So i designed the jurassic park gate to include LED lights as the fire torches on the tower gates and make it open and close using an app. Everything will be powered by a powerbank and rechargable for mobility so my nephew could bring the gate to wherever in the house.

I’ll be using the NodeMCU ESP8266 to connect to the internet and the gate will be controlled by the blynk app on a smartphone. You’ll need a wifi for the microcontroller to connect and talk to the blynk web and app

Difficulty Level:

  • 3D printing – Easy
  • Assembly – Intermediate (there’ll be a lot of small electronics used)
  • Wiring – Intermediate (a lot of soldering)
  • Programming – Intermediate (Arduino IDE)
  • Painting – Easy


  • LED x 8 (flickering LED is also an option)
  • 100Ohm resistor
  • Lithium battery 18650 3.7v x 2
  • Lithium battery 18650 2 cell holder
  • Lithium Battery Capacity Indicator Module
  • BMS Li-ion 2S Protection Board 8.4V
  • DC 8.4V 1A Charger
  • DC female jack terminal adapter
  • LM2596 DC-DC Step-down Buck Converter
  • Wires – AWG24
  • Wires – AWG18
  • Rocker switch 2pins – 15x10mm
  • M3 screw – 12mm and 25mm
  • M3 brass threaded inserts
  • Soldering iron (to connect the LED & PCB to the wires)
  • Silicone glue & glue gun
  • NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller
  • MicroUSB DATA cable – do not use HP charge cable
  • MG955 servo x 2
  • Dupont connectors
  • Popsicle sticks wooden – 18mm x 150mm & 10mm x 114mm

3D printing files:

Programming – BLYNK Web

In order to control the jurassic park gate with your smartphone.. we will need to signup and register with blynk website.

Once you’ve registered.. go to templates and create new template.. the free version of blynk will allow you to create and connect to 2 devices for free to use.

  1. create a template
  2. in info the most important part is the firmware configuration.. we’ll need it so that the microcontroller will connect to blynk web
  3. add an icon if you like to customize the blynk device
  4. go to datastream and create a datastream with virtual pin
  5. name the virtual pin and select V0 as controller of the pin
  6. go to web dashboard and drag switch to the grid box – this will create a button to control the gate
  7. click on the gear icon to modify its settings
  8. name the button and add datastream V0 to control the pin
  9. show label in order to label the button open and close gate
  10. next go to the search icon and create a new device
  11. select from template and add a name for the device
  12. once its created you will see the dashboard to control your gate..
  13. go to device info and you’ll see the firmware configuration that is specifically made for you to control from the blynk web and app..

Programming – Arduino NodeMCU

In order to control the gate opening and closing.. we will need to program it into the NodeMCU microcontroller. Here’s a few things you’ll need to download to get started:

  • Arduino IDE – the program we’ll use to code the microcontroller
  • CP210x USB to UART driver – this is so your computer can communite with the NodeMCU microcontroller with USB
  • Install ESP8266 boards manager or add this link to in preference
  • Once you install the arduino IDE.. you’ll need to install ESP8266 boards in order for us to access and upload firmware into the microcontroller. 
  • Watch this video to have a better understanding on how to install Arduino IDE and all the other drivers.
  • Next we will need to install blynk library in order to link the microcontroller to the blynk app.
  • You will also need to install servo library for the servo controls.
  • Once you’ve install all the necessary libraries.. you will open an example file on Files>Examples>Blynk>Blynk.Edgent>Edgent_ESP8266
  • Replace the blynk template ID and Device name to your firmware configuration from the blynk web
  • Save the file and rename it.
  • Now we will upload the arduino code to the NodeMCU microcontroller
  • what we’re doing is creating a basic “OS” on the nodeMCU microcontroller so we add all the setting on it without coding too much.

Programming – Blynk App

now we will be installing the blynk app onto your smartphone.. you’ll need your wifi ssid and password ready for this

Download Blynk IoT on your smartphone.. make sure its not Blynk Legecy.. thats the old version.. we want the new version Blynk IoT

open the app and you will see your jurassic park gate and icon if you add it

select your template and click on the 3 dots to open its setting

click on the 3 dots again and select reconfigure

choose to continue and it will search for all microcontroller in your area

you’ll find the blynk jurassic park gate microcontroller wifi

connect to the device

and setup your wifi network ssid and password.. this data will be imbedded into the nodeMCU microcontroller and it will connect to your wifi whenever it is powered on

continue and the microcontroller will connect directly to your wifi.. it should say device connected

now go back to the main page where your jurassic park gate template is and select the wrench icon

this will link you to the developer mode

select your template

click on the + sign and add a button

click on the button and add a name for the button

select datastream gate control V0

turn on overide high/low

select switch mode and add in the label just like on the blynk web

and go back to the main template in order for you to control the gate

Programming – Arduino Gate Code

  • now that we have connected the nodeMCU to your wifi, blynk web and blynk app.. we’ll need to send the proper code to control the gate opening and closing.
  • open your file that we saved earlier to install the “OS” onto the nodeMCU
  • replace the whole code in the file with the one below
// Fill-in information from your Blynk Template here
#define BLYNK_DEVICE_NAME "jurassic park gates"

#define BLYNK_FIRMWARE_VERSION      "0.1.0"

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#define APP_DEBUG

#include "BlynkEdgent.h"

Servo servo1;// this is left gate
Servo servo2;// this is right gate

int x = param.asInt();// this is left gate
if(x == LOW)
int y = param.asInt();// this is right gate
if(y == LOW)

void setup()
  servo1.attach(D4,700,2300);// this is left gate
  servo2.attach(D7,700,2300);// this is right gate

void loop() 
  • dont forget to replace the ID and device name to your own that can be found on device info in blynk web
  • now here’s the tricky part.. you will need to modify the x and y degrees value depending on your servo motor positioning
  • currently i added x starting at 0 degrees when close and goes to 100 degrees when open and y is at 125 degrees close and 20 degrees when open
  • you will need to adjust the degrees of both gate depending on the position of the gears you attach to the gate
  • we will need to do the modification once we assemble the gate itself
  • you need to adjust the degrees every 5 degrees until you get the gate to close on both side
  • just remember that right gate is the reverse of the left gate..

Wiring – NodeMCU

The battery pack uses 2 lithium 18650 batteries in serial. the BMS charger needs 3 wire to connect to the battery pack. one on +ve, one on -ve and one in between the 2 batteries. have a look at the diagram pictures.

the BMS wires are connected to the DC female jack terminal adapter and the other to the rocker switch.

the rocker switch wire is connected to a terminal block that splits to:

  • LEDs of each gate tower – power the LED torch lights
  • DC-DC step-down buck converter – power servo and microcontroller
  • Lithium Battery Capacity Indicator Module – indicate the battery level

since im using dupont connector for all my electronics.. i design a simple PCB that wires all 4 LEDs parallel with a 100 ohm resistor from the 8v.

the PCB also connect the capacity indicater and wires to jump to the right tower where the step-down buck converter is

we set the step-down from 8v to 5v

the 5v is connected to the NodeMCU microcontroller and the 2 MG995 servos

the rigth tower also have the parallel PCB for the 4 LEDs with the 100 ohm resistor

Base on the wiring diagram.. you should have a basic understanding on how i made my PCB

test out the connections to see all the LEDs lights up and the microcontroller is able to connect to the Blynk app and move the servos

Assembly – LED Torches

I made the torch holder removable so that if one fo the LED blows it can be replace by simply removing it and replacing it with a new one. all 6 side holder are of same size and the 2 on top is also the same. so if one of the LED blows.. just throw it away and print a new holder and install the LED inside the holder.

The way we’re going to make the flame for the LED is by using silicone glue. We will shape the hot silicone glue to look like fire with the LED inside.. you can see how i used silicone glue to make fire for my Balrog project to get the idea how to do it..

First of we need to prep the LEDs to be inserted into the torch holder

you’ll need to measure the LED legs length to the whole on the holder

cut it to length and solder a straight pin header male to the legs so we can connect it using dupont connectors

once solder.. insert the LED into the torch holder and glue the header pin just at the edge of the hole

for me i always put the anode +ve LED on the left side of the torch holder.. and just repeat it 8 times for each torch

label -ve and +ve so you dont get it mix up when wiring

test the LED with 3v power supply and fit it into the tower

now we will add silicone glue to the LED to make the shape of a flame

the flame should be around 20-25mm high

repeat this for 7 more times with the other holder

Assembly – Tower Gate

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